Someone has asked me about getting Thomas a Train DVD, so I thought I would share with you which one's we have already, if you wanted to get a different one, Thomas would love it!
We have:
Thomas and his friends help out
Thomas and the Realy Brave Engines
It's great to be an Engine
Trust Thomas
Thomas Gets Bumped
and 10 years of Thomas
He also loves Backyardagains - we only have Surfs Up.
Thomas's Birthday Invite
Here is a preview of the Invite I made for Thomas's second birthday party.
My personality is such, that I love to plan ahead, so I have been planning his party for over a month now. We are having the party on Monday Sept. 3, Labor Day, because that is his actual birthday. I have planned a light meal, several fun games, then we'll open presents and have cake and ice cream.
I am excited to have it in the backyard. Last year, they had just "hydro-seeded" the back lawn, so we partied in the front yard. But this year the grass has grown in thick and the backyard is beautiful. The party will be in the early evening, so there is lots of shade.
We are doing a "race car" theme, because we got one of these cute "little red cars" as I used to call it, for our gift to him. (the one we got looks a bit different, because it was cheaper) :)

I am hoping all the "race car theme" decorations I am going to put up will keep Thomas in the backyard. He actually prefers to go running up the sidewalk, demanding we go for a "walk", so he can go exploring. he likes playing the the rocks in our neighbor's driveway - those rocks must be cooler than the rocks at our house, and the woodchips up the block - gotta have woodchips.
He is getting so big so fast, I can hardly believe it. He will probably be wearing 24 month size clothes this winter. He hasn't gained much weight, but he is getting a little taller. He can reach more and more things on top of the table and counters, then ever before.
He really loves reading still. He and I both have nearly all of his stories memorized. He "reads along" with me. I have to say that I am so grateful for the DI and for garage sales, where I can pick up lots and lots of books for cheap! Along with reading for hours we play with blocks just about every day, too. He is teaching himself how to undress, and I am hoping he will outgrow that before winter time.
We are currently looking to buy him a "big boy bed", because he can now climb INTO his crib. He hasn't tried to climb out yet, but I am sure it is just a matter of time before he does. I am kinda worried that it's going to make a change in his good sleeping schedule, but we will just have to adjust if it does.
We are also starting to have "potty" discussions with him to prep him for that. The next step is to pick a potty out, but we always forget when we are at the store.
We, of course, still love to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Hansen every night. We have decided to stay here in their basement apartment for a little bit longer, and continue saving for the right time to buy a house. That is what feels right, for now. Thomas has several fun "games" that he plays only with Grandma. One of them is "Here it comes". Thomas give Grandma a plastic tractor toy and Grandma holds it on the arm of her chair and says "here it comes" and then pushes it off. Thomas squeals and waves his arms with such excitement. I will have to take the camera up with us one of these days and make a video of it!
That is what is new in the Owen household.
My little mad dasher
Yes, this little streak you see flashing by is my son. This is how we spend a good portion of each day. I blow bubbles and he runs "thru" them. And yes he is striped down to his diaper. Not because it's warm in the house, but because he just learned how to undress himself. LOL I guess we could nickname him "Flash" for more than one reason.
Thomas loves swimming
A day for Thomas at the Pool! He was pretty brave. He just wanted to dive right in.
As long as someone was close enough, we just let him do and discover. He is such a little smarty, he knew to hold his breath when his face was in the water, and if he fell down, to pop back up.

Mighty Splasher

having a great time

Oh Yeah

Diving right in - he's a natural born swimmer

Swimming along
As long as someone was close enough, we just let him do and discover. He is such a little smarty, he knew to hold his breath when his face was in the water, and if he fell down, to pop back up.
Mighty Splasher
having a great time
Oh Yeah
Diving right in - he's a natural born swimmer
Swimming along
Keithan's Birthday Party
Keithan, our Nephew, (Chris and Sara's) turned 1 year old. I love those bright blue eyes!
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