His little shirt with the "built in tie", was a big hit! Saddly being dressed for the part, doesn't gaurentee our little angel will be angelic. Three hours of church is tough for a little guy. This picture was taken about 4 months ago.
He turned 16 months old a few days ago. He will be old enough for Nursey in 2 months, but we have been going in with him for a few months already. I mean, what else are we going to do with him? let him run thru the hallways?
There is a big age gap between kids in our ward. Most kids in Nursery are 2 years old already, then there is Thomas at 16 months, and then there is another gap where the next younger kid is maybe 9 months old. We will most likely be moving, eventually, so I hope there will be more kids his age to interact with.
Tyson teaches in Elders Quorum twice a month during the first hour. The second hour I teach the 10-12 year old Primary kids. We are learning the New Testament this year! Sacrement is last, and we are still trying to get Thomas to let us stay in for the whole meeting. Some days will go well. And other days I feel like Enos: "And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God," (Enos 1:2) LOL.
Thomas's favorite part of Church is the singing. He stands up on my lap, and looks at everyone. Sometimes he will join in Loud and Proud!! He likes it when they sing songs he recognizes, that I have sung to him at home, like "I am a Child of God", and "Teach me to Walk in the Light".
He's a cutie pie.
See you on jazz...cynthiaf
Just so you don't use him as an excuse to run through the halls yourself.
What an incredibly cute kid. He looks just like his grandpa.
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