
Something new

A little while ago, I decided that Thomas was drinking too much juice everyday. So my plan to get him to drink milk was that I would change his cups that he drank juice out of, and only offer him "NOG" in the old cups. Nog is short for Banana Nog, or milkshake - all it is, is Milk, banana, and yogurt mixed in a blender.

So we made the transition, and my plan seemed to work well.

Unfortunately, he still wanted to stick to his "liquid diet" - and started drinking too much NOG everday, and was not interested in juice at all.

So now, I have introduced juice again in a new way. The all amazing Juice Box!
He thinks that is pretty Hot Stuff!

1 comment:

Kim said...


We just give Morgan like 90% water and 10% juice so he still thinks he's getting juice when all he's getting is a bit. Works like a charm!!

Although he is on to us as I asked him last night if he wanted water or juice and he said "Water AND juice". LOL