I wanted to mix things up a bit for bath time tonight, so I made a "bubble snake" maker to entertain the boys.
It was a big hit. But as always when I try new things, there is a learning curve to it.
Here is how it's made.
you need an empty waterbottle, a rubber band, an old washcloth or sock and bubble solution (which I made with dishsoap --- next time I will use baby shampoo or bubble bath -- because it got too close to being in their eyes, and Grayson got it in his mouth - YUCK)

Cut the bottom off the waterbottle and then use the elastic/rubber band to hold the old washcloth or sock on.

Dip the washcloth end in the bubble solution and blow a steady stream of air into it to make the "snakes". My boys didn't want to do it, so I did it and they played with the bubbles, which was fine for me, because I didn't want them accidentally breathing IN the soap mix.

The bubbles were so messy though, so after they played in the water for a little bit, I drained the tub and then showered them off - Thomas calls it "Raining". My bathroom sure smells CLEAN from all that soap. Thomas is already talking all about how we will do this again. And like I said before, next time I will use the baby shampoo I have on hand, and see if that works just as well, because I was really nervous about them getting it in their eyes. They were making the bubbles into HATS. SO the "no tears" is really appealing.
This is also a great outdoor activity for the summer - you can just hose them off, when they get too bubbly.