“If Christmas could just happen without so much bother.”
“I can’t wait to see what I get.”
“By the time Christmas arrives I am so exhausted I hardly feel anything but relief.”
Many of us—adults and children—go through the whole holiday season with thoughts like these foremost in our minds. How many times have you had such feelings or thoughts yourself?
But Christmas is actually one of the most sacred of holidays, and enjoying its true spirit, which is the Spirit of Christ, can bring us closer to the Savior.
Here is a compiled a list of activities to do that can help us look beyond ourselves and they are simple to do.
Beginning December 1, choose one of the activities from the list. Each day complete another activity. Some are geared towards children, but adults can do them as well.
Activities ListHelp do the dishes when it isn’t your turn.
Send or give a Christmas card to a missionary.
Take a surprise to a special friend.
Thank your Primary teacher for being your teacher.
Clean your room without being asked.
Write or draw a thank-you note.
Secretly help someone in your family.
Telephone or visit grandparents or other relatives.
Go caroling with friends or family.
Check that your bench in sacrament meeting is clean when you leave.
Let someone else have the first turn or the first choice.
Tell someone that he/she is special.
Give someone a hug.
Ignore a rude comment.
Shovel the snow.
Make cookies for someone.
Be the first to say Merry Chistmas
Admit when you are wrong.
Take dinner to a family in need.
Send someone a letter of encouragement.
Offer to baby sit for free.
Read to someone who is sick.
Organize grandparents photos.
Run errands for the elderly.
Do the twelve days of Christmas for a neighbor.
Be generous with compliments.
These can help you strengthen yourself as well
Try hard to choose the right all day
Sing your favorite Christmas song.
Remember to think about the Savior’s life and sacrifice during the sacrament.
Read or have someone tell you the story found in 3 Nephi 1:1–19
Write your testimony of Jesus Christ in your journal.
List all the things you are grateful for.
Be the one to encourage FHE, family prayer, and scripture reading.