House #1 - got all their closets built, all their caulking done, got the whole house cleaned up and wiped down, taped and paint ready AND now have finished painting. They even got their vinyl floors put in! Their cabinets will be going in on Wed! Laminate floors are probably what will be next.
House #2 - finished closets, still working on caulking. Working on cleaning up and then prep for paint.
House #3 (our house) - we are a bit behind because we have been sick a lot, and I have been doing more babysitting and letting Tracie go out to work. But with some helpers we have been able to keep on track for the most part (THANK YOU!!!). So I have been caulking like crazy, and on saturdays Tyson has been building the closets. On Monday we will go finish up nailing stuff down, then caulking, then clean up. Tuesday we will do the wiping down of the walls and mopping the floors and hopefully taping the windows and taking the doors down to prep for paint.
House #4 - finished closets, and caulking and the paint prep. Should be painted in the first part of the week, then they can get their vinyl floor and cabinets too. The siding subcontractor is STILL working on their house.
House #5 - finished with closets, and were finishing up with caulking today. They are going to start prepping for paint. Still needs siding.
House #6 - working on closets. Still needs siding.
The MESS (dining room and kitchen area)
The Pantry
The front room
Here is a sad little pic of Thomas when he was feeling so yucky. It is tough when the kids are sick, because I just don't know what else to do for them. I wish I wasn't so busy with all the house building stuff. And it was a blessing that we had volunteers help us this week, so we didn't have to worry about how many hours we had, so on one of the days I was able to just stay home with him.