if you don't watch the video - some of the facts are that Americans throw out an average of 4.5 lbs. of trash every day. That equals a national average of 250, 000, 000 (yep, thats millions) TONS of trash a year. 12.7 % is food, 13.2% is yard clippings, and 31 % is paper.
So I already recycle paper, cardboard and plastics. But since I need compost for my garden next year, I decided it was time to stop throwing out all the compostable kitchen scraps (like those banana peels, egg shells, unused produce, etc.) and yard clippings -- we had been throwing them in the garbage because we didn't want to weeds seeds to go back on the lawn.
So I did my online research and here is an article I liked:
and here is the video I liked the best:
I looked into a tumbler composter, but since there are pallets just laying around here from building, and they are FREE - I went with this set up (got the idea from my "Square Foot Gardening Book")
(square foot gardening images -
That is what the boxes on the west side of the yard are going to be used for next year.
getting started...
Very nice! I like it. Makes me wish I'd even touched my boxes before it got cold.
fancy fancy! Looks very nice.
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